Monday, August 25, 2008

I've been inspired by some friend's blogs to start my own. I keep thinking I need to write things down so here is my attempt to keep track of the happenings here at the Peters house. With my laptop in the kitchen...there is no excuse why I can't "blog" things down. So here it goes...

Grace's 2nd day of kindergarten is today. If you ask her the best part....the bus and recess would be her answer. The boys enjoy riding their bikes down to the bus stop to send Grace off. She is eager to get on and doesn't look back (not even a wave out the window for mom!). I've been working on arranging some speech therapy for Luke today. He has been doing Help Me Grow the past 2 months. He is improving...but it is SSSLLLLOOOWWW! We continue to work on the mulch around the playset's looking great and will be so much safer for the kids vs. the hard ground (where grass never grew).

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