Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a beautiful weekend here in Cincinnati. It was a bit on the warm side (mid 80's) but no complaints here. Jason took the older 2 kids to the driving range yesterday. They love doing that especially when they hit balls off the roof of the building! Luke and I ran some errands and got our pumpkins. The kids are excited about Halloween....Owen says he wants to be Darth Vader & Grace wants to be a black cat (today). Who knows what Luke will end up being...Grace and Owen have some ideas though.

We ventured out to Kings Island today. We got there when they opened which was perfect because we got to ride lots of things before it got too crowded and hot! They had a new (and neat) Halloween area set up for kids. The kids created masks, painted pumpkins, played games for prizes and got to see some characters.

I had a surgical procedure on my leg Friday to help take care of varicose veins as a result of 3 babies. They actually closed off a vein in my leg that is not working properly. It was a pretty amazing procedure...not too much discomfort. Looking forward to wearing shorts again!

Owen is scheduled to have his tonsils removed this Friday. We haven't told him yet due to his apprehension towards doctors and anything medical. Children's Hospital offers a tour of the surgical area geared totally for kids. We're going to take him on Wednesday evening. Hopefully this will go well and he will be more relaxed on Friday. Let's also hope that he is part of a small percentage of kids that has very few side effects and bounces back very quickly! He's excited to start playing basketball in November and is loving his preschool class. We're amazing at his letter recognition in such a short time.

Luke's speech therapy is coming along well. I actually got him signed up for private therapy starting in 2 weeks. He is trying to say so many words...his articulation is getting better but has a ways to go. He's learning new sounds and seems to be noticing the different shapes we're trying to get his mouth to make. He's been throwing fits on a regular basis...not sure exactly how to stop this...but we're working on it.

Grace is doing awesome in Kindergarten. She is really proud of her ability to read more and more. It's pretty amazing. She's enjoying tumbling class and is ready for soccer to be over.

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